2024年2月26日 星期一

Have you forgotten something?


A sad and horrible place in Ukraine during invader’s occupation.

Mass murder, torture, execution, looting and rape…which can never be considered as ‘collateral damage of war’.

Have you ever believed the world should support Ukraine in the early phrase of incursion? A huge proportion of civilized population do so, even we are not living in Ukraine.

That guy claimed ‘Ukraine was part of Russia in the past’, do you think his ambition will stop at annexing one-fifth of Ukraine and blocking Ukrainian’s counter-attack only?

Ukrainian soldiers fought with bravery, blood and tears to liberate lots of occupied areas before. Residents celebrated with joy. They survived after countless dark nights. They made it. What may happen if Russian troops successfully return to these regions again?

Some people argue despite the fact that Ukraine is given support, there remains a long way to expel all Russian troops and retake all territories. In some very pessimistic views, Ukraine may not comprehensively achieve these goals. Although it is quite difficult to forecast how many months or years are required for Ukraine to drive out all invaders, the baseline is if Ukraine could receive sufficient and necessary aids, at least her military force has a much larger chance to hold their ground. They can be better equipped to prevent invaders from advancing further and harming more Ukrainian locals – especially liberated towns that welcomed the arrival of Ukrainian troops previously.

That’s why in case you accept those points as a foundation for not offering Ukraine timely assistance, have you forgotten something?

It is true that some people stand with Russia since the beginning of invasion. They promote the propaganda of “Ukraine deserves it’ and still hold such belief today. For those who intentionally abandon something and throw it away, no matter how you remind them, they will never bring it back. However, if you simply forget something, it implies that ‘something’ still exists in your heart.

Bucha is mentioned in the opening, but basically we are not talking about Bucha.

It is also not about criticizing forgetfulness (Life is busy, no one can memorize everything).

It is about providing that you possess some important values in your heart, you can recall those feelings, find them, hold them tightly and act accordingly again.

It is about whether we could really differentiate ourselves from those we despise.

Our mentality.

Our personality.

Our conscience.

And so on.

Most ordinary people will never become a hero or heroine. Luckily most victims do not need a superman or wonder woman, they just need reasonable people who are willing and able to offer various forms of support and help in the right moment.

Lastly, I would like to jot down a short section from a speech. That is taken from an old movie, ‘The Patriot’. While American villagers were against the ideas of dislodging the British army, a young lady called Anne, shared her thoughts and reminded everyone there.

‘I ask only that you act upon the beliefs of which you have so strongly spoken, and in which you so strongly believe.’

~ Anne~


‘Defenders of Ukraine' – shutterstock.com

‘Instructions for subtitles' - YouTube

8 則留言:

  1. 拖落去好容易令世人遺忘。

    1. 普京說不定也在賭這點,問題是該不該放任他賭贏?

  2. I Have believed the world should support Ukraine.
    烏克蘭加油 !

    1. 我不希望拐走兒童的通緝犯在烏克蘭得到勝利。

  3. 永遠支持烏克蘭,若普京這個極度眷戀權力的大魔頭一日仍在人間, 世界便一直不得安寧。


    1. 烏克蘭軍民願意抵抗普京與俄軍,文明世界仍有大量空間及能耐為被欺壓一方提供/創造種種有利的抗擊及周旋條件,「欲救無從」不屬於現時的烏克蘭被侵略境況。


  4. 回覆
    1. 寫了十年,篇章成八百、九百篇,留言成一萬五六千條,或許這個是沒足夠時間下對你我他她較可接受的做法。
